Sunday, February 17, 2008

Re: Valentine's Day

This post is in response to Tyler's post involving Valentine's Day. First of all I don't think I've ever met a girl who said that Valentine's Day was their favorite holiday or that it brought them closer to their lover. Second to say "most women in this material world" suggests you think they enjoy the holiday not because it brings them closer to their lovers at all but because on this day their lover potentially showers them with gifts. To say that women have expectations of their "lovers" on this day is quite the generalization. In fact most of the girls I know on campus that are in a relationship had expectations no greater that dinner out, many didn't do anything at all. As for the supposed fifty percent of the male population that is wallowing in self pity I say wallow all you want but hating Valentine's day is just displacing your anger. My point here is simple - for the single guy or girl Valentine's Day is another day and there is no reason to be anything less than indifferent about it.

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