Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Patriotism" or Narcissism?

The topic of this blog came to me the other day in class when Ryan was sharing his topic for his paper. I believe he said something like consumerism can be considered patriotism. This is a belief that many Americans blindly hold. When George W. Bush was asked by representatives from several third world countries to "consider reducing consumption habits" in the U.S he replied "the American way of life is not up for negotiation". But what Bush and Americans should take in to consideration is that consumption surpasses the effects of any efforts to save water and energy in the home. It is also second only to overpopulation in top contributers to ecological decline. Shopping habits in the U.S and the manufacturing, transporting marketing etc. involved cause such great ecological destruction that every dollar towards consumption is attributed to 720 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. Americans are fooled every day into believing the lies of advertising, the significance of trends, and the notion that consumerism fulfills a way of life. We need to consider taking down such beliefs and refocusing our pride.

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