Sunday, February 24, 2008

Faith Based Preferences?

The Faith Based and Community Initiative is a program President Bush created seven years ago. It is a "comprehensive effort to enlist, equip, enable, empower, and expand the work of faith-based and other community organizations." Federal funding is provided to quality non-profit faith based community service programs. Created to protect the religious liberty of those served by faith-based providers, the program ensures that programs do not have to sacrifice their mission to participate. The Establishment Clause of the first amendment states, basically, that no religion shall be preferred by the government and religion vs. no religion should not be preferred either. In the past few decades arguments over this clause have caused prayer to be taken out of graduation ceremonies and funding withdrawn from religious schools. Bush therefore believes that religious programs are being discriminated against and this is his reaction to that. In fact religious schools have equal opportunity at receiving funding , the only restriction is that the money does not go towards things like bibles. I feel that this program instills the idea that our government prefers religious programs and instead should be awarding funding based on an entirely different platform. With an equal opportunity at funding as opposed to being targeted for it I feel this would do a much better job of upholding the intentions of the constitution.

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