Sunday, February 24, 2008

Re: britney

This is in response to the posts about celebrities like Britney Spears having an affect on young girls sexualities. While I agree with what was said I do feel that some of pop culture can have negative affects, in particular one line of dolls that has been outselling Barbie dolls since their release... Bratz Dolls. With their luscious lips and low cut, midriff bearing tops MGA Entertainment Inc. is successfully breeding prostitots by the billions. Any doll whether it's a G.I. Joe or an American Girl is a figure that is envied and looked up to by its owner. By visiting the "be-bratz" website the message these roll models are sending is very clear. In a meet the Bratz section Jade responds to fave book with "I prefer fashion mags", Chloe says that "right now" she's a vegetarian, Dana is always on her computer, Sharidan's favorite class is Home Ec, Sasha is "not afraid of confrontation, she knows who she is, what she wants and how to get it" and Pheobe's shoppin' style is out of the way boutiques. What the dolls are providing for girls is more than entertainment but a lesson that physical appearance and consumerism lead to being sexy and also to success. Its distorting kid's values of their property and their body. The "sex sells" marketing tactic probably will be here for a long time but shame on the businesses for applying this scheme to young girls. It can only get worse, in fact a company created a line of underwear called "Little Miss Naughty" and marketed thongs and padded bras to children under ten years old. It would be really nice to think that we could rely on the parents to protect their children from such companies but the success of the Bratz dolls leaves me fearing that the world is going to be left in the hands of Sharidans and Sashas whose functioning extends no further than lip glossing and texting.

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