Monday, March 17, 2008

Why spawning is optional, Re: Abstinence

This is in response to Tyler's response ( to Jordan's blog about abstinence. In it Tyler mentioned how in his middle school students had to take care of eggs as an assignment to learn about having children. This reminded me of a girl I knew in high school who told me that in health classes at her school everyone was required to take care of some sort of computerized baby for a week. You had to feed and walk and rock the baby, and all of this was monitored on a computer chip inside the baby. Every baby cried different amounts (you were lucky if you didn't get the "crack" baby that cried every two minutes) and students would have to try to get it to stop crying just like you would a normal child. If they didn't do all of this, or if they left baby unattended the teacher would know from the computer chip and you could fail. The chips could also detect if you shook the baby too hard and ultimately gave it Shaken Baby Syndrome. If this assignment was in fact to give kids some insight into what parenting is like then my response is I do not need a crying, shitting piece of plastic to tell me that I'm going to be an awful mother, especially as a senior in high school. Or if the idea was to scare kids into always having safe sex then they're ultimately stunting the grades and social lives of those who are making responsible decisions.

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